Reliable Broadband for Small Medical
Medical and GP
When you're busy taking care of your patients, let us take care of you
Your practice may be small, but your patients depend on you to deliver great service when they need you the most. We understand that, and we're here to help. We know that patient data privacy is a huge concern, and that when you're at your busiest, the last thing you need is a drop in your connection to slow you down.
So much more than websites and emails
Let us bring all of these capabilities into your practice
Keep your patients' data secure
We can help you comply with patient privacy regulations by providing a dedicated and resilient internet connection.
Show them you care
Your patients may spend more time in the waiting room than they do in the office. Show them you care by providing great entertainment and a fast, dependable WiFi connection.
Always on
With the fastest install times in Ireland, 24/7 support, and robust solutions that just don't quit, you can be confident that your connection can keep up with the demands of your practice.
Keep in touch and reduce no-show rates
With Virgin Business SMS, you can automatically send appointment reminders, appointment change alerts, and patient surveys.
Internet and phone options for small medical practices
Realise your full potential with our range of powerful phone and broadband Packages with speeds from 100 to 400Mb.
Offering customers WiFi is a great way to bring more people through your doors and keep them coming back. See why ours is special.
Not sure what you need?
Call us
Call us from Monday - Friday 9am - 5.30pm
1800 940 062
Small & Medium Business
1800 567 567
Enterprise Business
Or we can call you
Choose a time slot and provide a few details. Our Experts will call you back.