Bouncing Back After Burnout
I recently congratulated two SME clients on key milestones achieved in the first quarter of the year. They reluctantly thanked me and said … ‘yes .. but at what cost’. The ‘success’ had involved asking too much of themselves and their staff to deliver on targets in their estimation. The price was too high.
The ‘busy’, ‘always on’ way in which we live is increasingly leading to over stress and burnout. Burnout is defined as “a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” There are so many factors that are adding to the ‘stress’. The world around us ...cost of living …staffing shortages, wars.. and our own lifestyle patterns and habits are further exacerbating matters… over thinking and the phone …ultra processed food, the pressure of perfection … (you can create your own list).
Working from home and the use of smartphones have meant for many, there is no longer any separation from work and life. We need regular breaks to recharge our batteries, yet we don’t give enough time to ourselves to recover each day before the next round in the boxing ring of life.
Typically 70 percent of people have at least one feature of burnout. Seventy two percent of people are struggling with stress and a similar number are saying that the last few years are the most stressful of their career.
A person experiencing burnout can feel exhausted, hopeless, unmotivated and emotionally numb. In extreme or untreated cases, it can even lead to depression.
‘It is not possible to have a work life balance and do my job’
The story is the same across different sectors of the economy. A school principal told me last month: ‘It is not possible to have a work life balance and do my job.’ Clients working in healthcare and manufacturing are saying the same and so is research from around the world.
Recovering from burnout is multi-faceted – with physical, mental, emotional and psychological aspects.
It takes time, consideration and effort to do it properly and more importantly to prevent reoccurrence.
Lifestyle changes have to become part of your daily life. Katharina, a busy executive in the healthcare industry told me that she has ‘burned out’ twice in the last 11 years. The first time, she thought taking a ‘long break’ was enough - but she quickly got back into the same old patterns and within 12 months, had to take another even longer 6 month break from work.
In the last four years, she has been more stable because she has made key changes to her life. She has enforced stronger boundaries with people and situations that ‘drained her’. She takes her daily breathing practices seriously and has also built selfcare into her routine. And, her own needs and goals are ‘on her list’.
Research suggests Entrepreneurs are even more at risk of burnout because they are very passionate, more isolated, have limited safety nets and work in high uncertainty.
Burnout has three main symptoms, tiredness, negativity and reduced productivity. It can also have physical stress symptoms – from tension, to headaches, stomach problems and a weakened immune system. Mental health problems may exacerbate burnout.
The right level of healthy stress grows us and adds to satisfaction, meaning and purpose – and as a result happiness in our lives. But when ‘high pressure’ is consistent – people can be easily pushed into burnout territory. Too many of us operate close to burnout much of the time.
10 Steps to help you bounce back from burnout
Bouncing back – or perhaps it can be more accurately described as crawling back from burnout means taking enough rest to recover from ‘burnout’ and later building a better balance and enough rest time into each day to meaningfully recharge. It is better to take a preventative approach - making time for your own needs and self-care daily.
- 1. The first step is to acknowledge the burnout and give enough time and space for your recovery. Consult with your GP if you need.
- 2. Look at your sleep and relaxation habits. If you are not sleeping well, address that.
3. Take a look at your life and lifestyle and see how you are creating stress and how you are managing it. Reduce your reliance on any unhealthy coping strategies (cutting sleep to fit it all in, overconsuming coffee, alcohol and sugar) that are adding to your stress. Replace with healthier habits (a walk in nature, meditation, early nights and doing things you enjoy).
4. Limit your phone time. Keep your phone out of your bedroom and avoid it in the last hour before sleep.
5. Deal with issues that are stressing and draining you that are within your control. Ask for help if you need it.
6. Look within and find and create your right balance – designing your day such that your needs are met in addition to work and other responsibilities. Balance is a feeling first and a formula second. Elon Musk’s sense of balance may differ from yours.
7. Take regular breaks. Three short breaks of even 1 to 2 minutes each day can make a big difference.
8. Meditation and breathwork are great ways to balance your nervous system and help you reset and recover on a daily basis.
9. Set boundaries. Is it possible for you to do the work you do and fulfil all your other responsibilities and not burn out? What changes need to be made?
10. Prioritise self-care. Give quality time to yourself. So many people only give time to themselves when they are sick or exhausted.
Recovery from burnout won’t happen by itself. The road to your recovery and burnout prevention needs to be reinforced by you every day - one step at a time.
Calodagh McCumiskey is an Accredited Master Practitioner in Wellbeing and Coaching. She specialises in bespoke programmes that boost culture, engagement, performance and teamwork. Clients include SMEs, Corporates, Government Bodies and NGOs. Calodagh previously worked in international development - in the aftermath of natural and man-made disasters for 14 years in Africa and Asia. She won the Network Ireland Wexford Solo Business Woman of the year in 2023 and was runner up in the National Competition.
You can contact her at: For more information, visit:
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