My first bill.
Wait a minute, what’s this? Wave goodbye to those billing worries. See the breakdown of your bill right here and the reason for any extra costs. Explain my bill.

My first bill
Here's what your first bill should look like. Click on the tabs below to find out more about the different sections of your bill.
Virgin Media Home
Select bill page
Summary Page
Example Summary page

Account NumberThis is your Virgin Media account number.
Name and AddressYour name and billing address.
Virgin Media Service ChargesAny fees that are due, including your price plan bundles.
Total amount dueHere’s what you need to pay this month.
Full explanations:
Account Number
This is your Virgin Media account number. Did you know you can manage your account yourself online through You’ll need this number to register.
Total Amount Due
So, What’s Due?
This is the total amount you need to pay. Handily there are lots of ways to pay your bill including Direct Debit, at, credit or debit card, at your bank, by cash or by post. Find out more at
Details Page
Example Details page 1

Pro Rate ChargesCharges from when you join to the date of your first bill.
Virgin Media BundlesYour Virgin Media bundle price before any discounts.
Savings and DiscountsWe all love savings and discounts. These ones apply to your account.
Total Service ChargesThis is everything you need to pay this month.
Full explanations:
Pro Rate Charges
When you sign up to Virgin Media, the charges from the date you signed up to the date of your first bill are called pro rate charges.
Confused? It’s simple. If you had Virgin Media installed on the 19th of July but your bill issues on the 27th, Your bill will include a charge for the 9 days between these dates.
Total Service Charges
So, What’s Due?
This is the total amount you need to pay. Handily there are lots of ways to pay your bill including Direct Debit, at, credit or debit card, at your bank, by cash or by post. Find out more at
Virgin Media Mobile
Select bill page
Summary Page
Example Summary page

Account NumberThis is your Virgin Media account number.
Name and AddressYour name and billing address.
Virgin Mobile Price PlanYour mobile price plan including pro rate charges.
Total chargesHere’s what you need to pay this month.
Full explanations:
Account Number
This is your Virgin Media account number. Did you know you can manage your account yourself online through You’ll need this number to register.
Virgin Mobile Price Plan
When you sign up to Virgin Media, the charges from the date you signed up to the date of your first bill are called pro rate charges.
Confused? It’s simple. If you had Virgin Media installed on the 15th of July but your bill issues on the 18th, your bill will include a charge between these dates.
Total Charges
So, What’s Due?
This is the total amount you need to pay. Handily there are lots of ways to pay your bill including Direct Debit, at, credit or debit card, at your bank, by cash or by post. Find out more at
Details Page